The KiWi Bird: New ZeaLand´s Endemic Species

This 8 million years old bird has a beak that is one third of the lenght of its body and it hasn´t got a tail.
Also the female is larger than the male and they mate for life
The Māori believed that kiwi were under the protection of Tane Mahuta, god of the forest. 
Birds were eaten and their feathers were used for ceremonial cloaks

 It´s a flightless monogamous bird with hair instead of feathers and a bill with nostrils, used for sniffing and hunting its food (insects, worms, spiders, bugs, grubs and  freshwater and frogs). 
The kiwi bird lays enormous eggs which can be up to half the weight of the bird! 
 After an 85 day incubation period in which the male takes responsability in the hatching, young kiwi leave the nest when they are 3 weeks old and weighing only 200 gr,