Origami Jumping Frog

The Frog Princess

This Frog

The Frog Prince

SomeWhere Over the RainBow

StiLL LiFe with Insects & Amphibians


Four Studies of Frogs

FliP the FroG: LiTTLe Orphan Willie

Origami FLaPping Bird

American Stork

Toby Tortoise ReTurns

The Tortoise and the Hare

Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit Reports Hare-Turtle ReMatch

Spaniels StalKing Rabbits in the Dunes

SesamE StrEEt News FLash: Kermit Reports on Hare-Turtle...

Young Hare by Albrecht Dürer

Coyote and JacKRabbit: AesoP & Son

The AnimaL BOOgie SonG


DonaLd´s Vacation