Its only predator was the Haast´s Eagle, the largest of these birds that ever existed.
Moa sculpture by Bob McAuliffe (1982).
Arthur´s Pass, South Island.
Dinornis were the tallest bird that ever lived, with females standing up to 3.6 m (12 ft) tall and weighing between 230–240 kg (510–530 lb) and 278 kg (613 lb).
There were two species: the North Island Giant Moa (Dinornis novae zealandiae) and the South Island Giant Moa (Dinornis robustus)
The Māori still hunted them at the beginning of the fifteenth century, driving them into pits and robbing their nests.
Also, some birds became extinct due to farming, when the forests were cut and burned down and the ground was turned into arable land.
All Giant Moa species had been extinct for 300 years before the arrival of European settlers.