Then in 1999 for 17 months, he traveled around the world along its Equator on foot, by boat and bike in accordance to his project: "Latitude Zero: 40.000 km from which to meet the world".
Then, at the beginning of 2002, during initial preparations to reach the North Pole he suffered the amputation of the tips of three fingers due to severe frostbite...
During this expedition he endured two
In 2006 Mike Horn and Borge Ousland launched a two month journey of 1.000 km
His next 4 year project is a trip around the world in 1.460 days, with the sustainable sailboat Pangaea on a 7 continent eco-voyage! Follow Mike Horn as he travels the world on:
http://www.mikehorn.com/en/pangaea/ and/or
Over the course of Mike Horn´s newest expedition, 12 groups of educational specialists and specially selected students ages 13-20 (Young Explorers Programme), will meet up with Pangaea for 10-12 days at a time...Mike Horn´s newest expedition expands with the admission .