ScOttiSH HighLAnd´s NationAL GarmenT
TarTAn, KiLTs: CLicK to LeaRN

The authenTic Scots Kilt exhibits in the Tartan a characteristic pAtteRn or Sett.
The associAtion of parTicular pAtterns with indiViduaL CLAns and fAmilies can be trAced back to the 16th century.
The PrinCe of WALes
WONdrouS AstRonomY: GustaV HoLsT´s PLAneTS: MarS, JupiTer, MercurY, VEnus, SaTurn, Uranus and NepTune
MARS The Bringer of War
JUPITER The Bringer of Jollity
MERCURY The Winged Messenger
VENUS The Bringer of Peace
SATURN The Bringer of Old Age
URANUS The Magician
NEPTUNE The Mystic
ScoTLAnd´s HaGGis...
The main ingredient in haggis is "sheep pluck" (the internal organs of a sheep: the trachea -windpipe or throat-, lungs, heart and liver). These are chopped up and combined with oats, onions, suet (sheep’s fat), and spices like thyme, sage and rosemary. The whole lot is mixed up and stuffed into a sheep’s stomach and then boiled in water. The dish is plated with a side of neeps and tatties, the cheeky Scottish term for mashed potatoes and rutabaga.
The haggis is either left in its casing, in which case you ceremonially cut it open to reveal the haggis inside, or it’s removed and spooned on to the plate for easy access.
The haggis is either left in its casing, in which case you ceremonially cut it open to reveal the haggis inside, or it’s removed and spooned on to the plate for easy access.
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