Buprestids love heat (thermophilous) and can tolerate very high temperatures so they´re active and alert in hot, sunny days.
The adults feed on pollen, foliage and nectar.
Julodis cirossa 27 mm

Julodis viridipes

The females lay their eggs in the bark and the larvae tunnel into wood and plant stems.
The adults don´t live very long but the immatures can take as long as 35 years to complete their development!

The adults feed on pollen, foliage and nectar.
Julodis cirossa 27 mm
Julodis viridipes
The females lay their eggs in the bark and the larvae tunnel into wood and plant stems.
The adults don´t live very long but the immatures can take as long as 35 years to complete their development!
Phlocteis exasperata Metal jewel beetle, 12mm.