Interesting Links

Pip & Posy Christmas Presents

        And What Do You Want For Christmas?

Christmas Vocabulary


From Seed to Tree: Oak

            A Year in  the Life of an Oak Tree

Amazing World of Gumball by Ben Bocquelet

       Behind the Scenes: Work as an Animator

       Animation Process: Imaginación Studios

Let's Count!

                                EVEN or ODD




Watch 115 Days Time Lapse: From Seed to Fruit

                           IT IS HALLOWEEN 


Marc Chagall's Art

                   Stained Glass Artwork 
                 A Collection of Artwork 

Dr. Seuss's A, B, C



Bodies of Water

         Waterfalls, Bays, Inlets, Lakes, Rivers

               FRESH-WATER & SALT WATER

Liquid Solid Gas = WATER


The Worm Song

You may not want to eat earthworms directly from your backyard, but it’s common to consume other types of worms in cultures across the planet.
Entomophagy, or the consumption of insects as food, is believed to have originated in early human development and it's common in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Australia. Over 2,300 insect species are traditionally eaten! 
Common edible worms include the larvae of grasshoppers, true bugs (Hemiptera), beetles (Coleoptera), termites, butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera
Worms are high in heart-friendly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, and lower in saturated fats compared to animal protein.
100 grams of beetle larvae provide up to:

Calories: 155
Protein: 21 grams
Fat: 19 grams
Carbs: 3 grams
Fiber: 25% of the daily value (DV)
Iron: 133% of the DV
Zinc: 55% of the DV
Riboflavin: 269% of the DV
And the mopane worm (Gonimbrasia belina) contains 84 times the quantity of iron and 7 times the amount of zinc as the same serving size of beef!

TruThese worms are often fried or even added to alcoholic drinks like mezcal con gusano.


Flea Circus

Flea circuses are an 18th century watchmakers' invention. They put the focus on the microscopic world. To watch a flea circus, you use a flea glass!

The Cassowary

 Australia, New Zealand and nearby islands

The Coelacanth a Living Fossil

                               Field Museum


The Bed Book by Sylvia Plath

Grandmother's Feather Bed


                            John Denver


UncLes Poem

                  Talking About Uncle Jack

Simon's Cat St. Valentine's Day

                          Love is in the Air

Manuel de Falla (Music) & Picasso (Choreography)

                 Le Tricorne/Three Cornerd Hats

              (Ballets Russes by Sergei Diaghilev)
