Interesting Links

I Heard a Bird Sing

“I heard a bird sing in the dark of December.

 A magical thing. And sweet to remember.

 We are nearer to Spring than we were in September.

 I heard a bird sing in the dark of December.”

 Oliver Herford

Endangered species of animals and plants of Spain & Europe

Click below to learn which are the endangered animal species of Spain:

Click to learn which are the endangered animal species of Europe:

Click to discover the list of endangered plants from A-Z

Click to discover the endangered species of the world by group

HedgeHogs in Alicante, Spain
Follow the link to know everything about this adorable animals.

What color is it? Song

What color is it? Song

Count & Sing To 40!

Count the lemmings

Create your own Blazon ( Coat of Arms)

Click to create your blazon
Coat of Arms: Speed Painting
Why do people had Coat of Arms?

The Pink & Boto: River Dolphins

The Bouto: An Amazonian river dolphin

How Can You Help Save Our Planet?

Think before you act...

Animal Habitats

The Habitat Song

Meet the Hedgehog

Hedgehog Project:
Studying the North African (Atelerix algirus) and European (Erinaceus europaeus) species
Click to Learn

Discover how special hummingbirds are...

Why do hummingbirds hover?

How do hummingbirds hover?

1930´s Original Model Village & Railway England, UK (Europe)

Click below!
Bekonscot Model Village
It´s the oldest model town and railway in the world.

It´s located in Bekonscot, Buckinghamshire South East England (island of Great Britain) in the United Kingdom (UK)

Gulliver´s Travels MAP + RUTA de la Primera Vuelta al Mundo

Gulliver´s 4 Travels

Ruta de Magallanes y Elcano

Medieval Wax Pocket Tablet

Instead of wood it is carved from bone

How to make a Roman Wax Tablet: Archaeology Today

And how was it made step by step

A Pig´s Love Song

And the film version

How Kids See St. Valentine´s Day

What is Love?
Kid´s Opinions on Saint Valentine´s Day

Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter: USA Coins Song

Learn about the United States of America presidents and coins

Plans & Intentions: I´m going to...

My Plans...
We are going to...

WINTER {Four Seasons} By Antonio Vivaldi

Animated Film by Ferenc Cakó