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Hanged, Drawn & Quartered: Execution oF The Conspirators

In England, the punishment of being "hanged, drawn and quartered" was used for men convicted of high treason
The man was dragged by a hurdle (similar to a fence) through the streets.
Then he was  hanged from the neck (almost to the point of death). 
After this he was drawn or disembowelled slowly on a wooden block by cutting open his abdomen. Then his entrails and other organs were thrown on a fire.
 Finally he was decapitated and quartered (his body was divided into four pieces) and the man's head and quarters were sometimes parboiled and displayed along the Tower Bridge.

Conspirators oF The GunPowder PLot

Here is an engraving of 8 of the 13 men involved in the plot
A monochrome engraving of eight men, in 17th-century dress.  All have beards, and appear to be engaged in discussion