Interesting Links

SubWay Station: Moscow (Russia)

The Metro began operating in Moscow in 1935 with one 11 km line connecting thirteen stations. 
The Moscow Metro is is the busiest in Europe.
 Stalin, ordered the metro’s artists and architects to represent svet (brilliance) and svetloe budushchee (a radiant future) in their designs, to encourage citizens to look up and admire the stations´s art.

Faces & Heads

Judith & Salome


Banquet Of Members Of Amsterdam's Crossbow Civic Guard

When I GrOw Up By Jasmine Lai

Jasmine Lai is an artist who works as an effects colorist and background painter on 'Steven Universe' at Cartoon Network

Jobs: Director Of Fun

Director of Fun is exactly the job title Sam Pointen from York got at the National Railway Museum and he’s only six years old!
After writing a letter to the museum asking for the role of Director, staff were so impressed that they hired him as their honorary Director of Fun.
Sam’s responsibilities include making sure the museum is a fun place for kids to spend the day.