Interesting Links

English Portrait and Landscape Painter Thomas Gainsborough

Mr and Mrs William Hallett, 1785

Mr and Mrs Andrews, 1748-49

I Never Go To Work a.k.a Seven Days of the wEEk

"Seven Days Of The Week"
 (I Never Go To Work)

Oh no, no, I never go to work.
Oh no, no, I never go to work.
Oh no, no, I never go to work.
Oh no, no, I never go to work.

On Mondays, I never go to work.
On Tuesdays, I stay at home.
On Wednesdays, I never feel inclined.
Work is the last thing on my mind.
On Thursdays, it's a holiday!
And Fridays I detest.
Oh it's much too late on a Saturday,
And Sunday is the day of rest.

Oh yes, yes, practice trumpet everyday.
Oh yes, yes, practice trumpet everyday.
Oh yes, yes, practice trumpet everyday.
Oh yes, yes, practice trumpet everyday.

Practice Monday.
Practice Tuesday.
Practice Wednesday.
Practice Thursday,
And Friday.
And I practiced all night on Saturday,
So on Sundays I played best.

Oh no, no, I never go to work.
Oh no, no, I never go to work.
Oh no, no, I never go to work.
Oh no, no, I never go to work.

On Mondays, I never go to work.
On Tuesdays, I stay at home.
On Wednesdays, I never feel inclined.
Work is the last thing on my mind.
On Thursdays, it's a holiday!
And Fridays I detest.
Oh it's much too late on a Saturday,
And Sunday is the day of rest.
It's the day of rest!

New ZeaLand COaT of Arms & more...

New ZeaLand is also part o the Commonwealth of Oceania, a union formed in 1971 with Australia, which then expanded into the rest of Oceania
Commonwealth of Australia New Zealand Ortho Updated2
Location of Oceania.
It remained independent until 2000 when it voted to rejoin the British Commonwealth. 
Its currency is the Commonwealth Dollar it covers an area of 8.525.989 km2 and comprises a population of 207.792.000.

Fat Freddy´s Drop

Music from New Zealand

New ZeaLand from abOve

Where is New ZeaLand?
Location of New Zealand
Australia, New ZeaLand and the South Pole

North and Sout IsLands. Australia is on the left.

New ZeaLand  

New Zealand is an independent country in the South Pacific.
It´s made up of two principal islands: The North Island (Te Ika-a-Māui) and The South Island (Te Waipounamu) and numerous smaller ones, like Stewart Island and the Chatham Islands. 
Its indigenous (Maori) name is Aotearoa.
Total Area: 270,534 square km. 
Length: Approximately 2,200 km

New ZeaLand´s Haast´s EagLe (Pouakai)

This gigantic eagle that lived for aproximately 20 years, in pairs. 
It occupied during the Holocene dry eastern forests, scrublands and grassland on river floodplains later, during the Otiran Glaciations (20.000-14.000 years ago).
It weighted between 10-13kg and, in large females its wings measured up to 2.6m.  
The males were smaller than the females. 
The Haast’s eagle was found all over South Island during the Pleistocene.
Images of the Haast’s eagle are found in rock paintings dating from the 13th and 14th century, soon after the Polynesians first discovered New Zealand.
Māori killed it and used its bones to make tools and, according to their legends, Pouakai ate Moa and humans too!

The Giant MOA: New ZeaLand Extinct FlightLess Bird

Before to the arrival of Polynesian settlers, the Giant Moa had been living in what is now New Zealand for at least 40,000 years. They only laid one or two eggs at a time and it took these birds 10 years to grow to maturity
Its only predator was the Haast´s Eagle, the largest of these birds that ever existed.

santa catarina
Moa sculpture by Bob McAuliffe (1982).
Arthur´s Pass, South  Island.

Dinornis were the tallest bird that ever lived, with females standing up to 3.6 m (12 ft) tall and weighing between 230–240 kg (510–530 lb) and 278 kg (613 lb).
There were two species:  the North Island Giant Moa (Dinornis novae zealandiae) and the South Island Giant Moa  (Dinornis robustus

The Māori still hunted them at the beginning of the fifteenth century, driving them into pits and robbing their nests. 
Also, some birds became extinct due to farming, when the forests were cut and burned down and the ground was turned into arable land. 
All Giant Moa species had been extinct for 300 years  before the arrival of European settlers.