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An ExtraOrdinary RiddLe

What can run
but never walks.
Has a mouth
but never talks.
Has a bed
but never sleeps...

Carcajou River and Mackenzie River confluence, Northwest Territories, Canada
Carcajou and Mackenzie river confluence
(NorthWest Territories, Canada)

Two Little Eyes

Two little eyes to look around
Two little ears to hear each sound. 
One little nose to smell what's sweet. 
One little mouth that likes to eat.

May 12 is Limmerick Day!

A creature of charm is the gerbil 
Its diet's exclusively herbal; 
 It grazes all day 
On bunches of hay 
 Passing gas with an elegant burble.

I know a schoolboy from Dubai, 
Who was baked by mistake in a pie. 
 To his mother’s disgust 
He emerged through the crust, 
And exclaimed, "What a good boy am I!"

There once was a man from Peru 
Who dreamt that he swallowed his shoe. 
 He woke up in fright 
In the mid of the night 
To learn that his dream had come true!

There once was a princess named Jinx 
Who was asked what she thought of the Sphinx. 
She replied with a smile, 
 "That old fraud by the Nile? 
 I personally think that she stinks!"