Interesting Links

RZA & Craig Ferguson Rapping: Deck The Halls

"Deck The Hall" is a XVI century Welsh Christmas and New Year carol melody 
Christmas Kindergarten Holidays Holiday Worksheets: 'Deck the Halls' Printable Lyrics

Oranges and Lemons: A Victorian Nursery Rhyme

 Listen to the bells of Saint Clements (London) playing the song
Here is a rock version...

FreeStyLe Ice Skating


Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Traditionally, Santa Claus sleigh is guided by eight reindeer: 
 Dunder/Donder or Donner and
Blixem/Blitzen or Blixen
Rudolph was included in the 20th-century!
And now a funny version by CooL SchOOL...

Paper Christmas Decorations

This is how to get a paper reindeer chain

And this is how to make angels!

ALL I Want For Christmas iS My Two Front Teeth

 Nat King Cole was the first African-American artist to host a music TV series in 1956. 
He's best known for his soft baritone voice.

Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes: There was an old woman...

There was an old woman 
Who lived in a shoe
She was a kindhearted mum
Who knew exactly what to do
Haines-Shoe House, Pennsylvania (USA)

 Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit Reports 

The Princess and the Pea by Hans Christian Andersen

Kermit Reports News On the Princess And The Mattresses


Hard stones and giltz bronze italian Holy Water Font

Young Woman At Her Toilet (1550)

The Munster Family: Kitchen

Grandpa, Lily (mom) and Herman (dad)

The Addams Family: BeDRooM

Wednesday, grandmama and brother Pugsley

With dad (Gomez) and mom (Morticia)

ClocK: The Chariot of Diana, 1610

It´s mad of  ebony and gilt bronze (31 x 41 x 17 cm)

Here is the House by American Poet Ken Nesbitt

Here is the house
on the street in the town
where the downstairs is up
and the upstairs is down

The people who live here
all stand on their heads.
They sleep on the ceilings
and can't reach their beds

The basement's the attic.
The roof is the floor.
They climb up a ladder
to crawl through the door

Their pets run in circles
because they're all dizzy.
This house is confusing
and everyone's busy.

The downstairs is upstairs.
The upstairs is down
since twenty tornadoes
blew into the town.

Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch

This painting (right panel), is part of a tryptich exhibited at the Museo del Prado, Madrid

Ghost of Stephen Foster by Squirrel Nut Zippers

An Animated Cartoon...
Stephen Foster "Father of American Music
He wrote more than 200 songs!
Stephen Foster.jpg

HowLing Mouse!?

This mouse is endemic to Mexico and the USA.
It is a very territorial rodent, that eats insectswormsscorpionssnakes and even other mice!
It also hunts its prey like a cat, sneaking up quietly, and defends its territory by howling
The grasshopper mouse is known to be immune to the venoms released by scorpions and snakes.