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Robinson Crusoe
Daniel Defoe was an English writer with more than 500 books (Moll Flanders, Robinson Crusoe), pamphlets and journals on politics, the supernatural, crime, psichology, marriage and religion.
He´s considered a founder of English novel and Economic Journalism.
He experienced first hand remarkable historical events: the Great Plage of London (1665) were 70.000 died and the Great Fire of London (1666) which left only his home and two others standing.
When he was 7, the Dutch fleet attacked Kent, sailing up the Medway river via the Thames and he witnessed the Great Storm of 1703 that hit Bristol and London uprooting millions of trees and killing over 8.000 people.
In 1703, his political ideas and pamphlets had him arrested in the Newgate Prison and placed in the pillory (as seen on the illustration above) for 3 days!
Legend says that the publication of his poem Hymn to the Pillory, caused his audience to throw flowers at him instead of harmful objects and to drink to his health.
Mr. Magoo as Robinson Crusoe
Leda and the Swan
Greek myth that tells the story of how the god Zeus as a swan seduces Leda, wife of Tyndareus King of Sparta, on her wedding night.
She laid two eggs from which twosemi-divine children hatched; from the first egg Castor and Pollux and from the second Clytemnestra and Helen of Troy.
She laid two eggs from which two
Italian Painter: Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
"Leda Atómica"
Spanish Artist: Salvador Dali (11/05/1904-23/01/1989)
Tchaikovsky´s Swan Lake Animation by Tezcatlipoca
Tezcatlipoca is the god of kings and warriors but also of disagreement, divination, temptation, sorcery, beauty and war.
He is an Olmec, Mayan and Aztec deity associated with the night sky and winds, hurricanes, the North, Earth and jaguars.
His name in the Nahuatl language translates as "Smoking Mirror" referring to his relation to obsidian, the material from which mirrors were made in Mesoamerica.
Stormy PetreL by Maxim Gorky: Hilarious SchooL Lesson
Russian and soviet journalist/writer/political activist Alexei Maximovich Peshkov Gorky -pseudonym meaning bitter,- denounced the degrading conditions of workers in Russia.
Aleksandr Serguéyevich Pushkin was a Russian noble with some outstanding familial ancestry: his great-grandfather was a slave brought over from Africa who had risen to aristocracy!
Pushkin published his first poem at the age of fifteen and was recognized by the literary establishment by the time of his graduation from the Lyceum.
Birds in a Park by Dutch Painter Melchior d´Hondecoeter
The Netherlands most renowned painter of birds...
EverYBodY Loves Surfing...?!
Other Birds Picnicking...
This seems like a Heron or an Egret (which is smaller), one of the 64 known species of freshwater or coastal birds of the Ardeidae family.
Although similar to other bird families (storks, spoonbills, cranes and ibises,) egrets and herons fly differently, with their necks retracted and not outstretched.
Another unique characteristic found only on few birds (parrots and tinamous) is their feathers, known as "powder down".