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South African Races

PiT BiKe Racing in Johannesburg

Thundercat Inflatable Power Boat Racing

April 6, 1652 Van Riebeeck´s Arrival to South Africa

He was accompanied by 82 men and 8 women, his own wife amongst them. 
They had been instructed to establish a colony to provide the Dutch East India Company's ships with fresh groceries, mainly meat and vegetables on the long journey from Europe to Asia.

Cape Town castle

First Van Riebeeck's men erected the "Fort de Goede Hoop" and a large garden to grow fruit and vegetables. They tried to obtain meat through trade with the natives (Khoikhoi also known as Hottentots) which resisted the invasion until they were forced to retreat to the north.

painting - Khoikhoi
European settlement in South Africa started in Cape Town, which is why it is still called the "Mother City"
painting - Table Bay
After the British decided against establishing a colony at the Cape of Good Hope, it was the Dutch who realized its strategic and economic importance.

Vulnerable Flora of South Africa

Luisiesbos (African name)
Orange form
Needle-Leaf Pincushion, Narrow-Leaf Pincushion, Tangerine Pincushion, Assegaaibos Pincushion; 
Flower of yellow form

Endangered S. African Species: The PangoLin

There are four species in Africa and three in southeast Asia. The three Asian species and one of the African species of Pangolin are endangered because of habitat destruction and hunting. Pangolin´s scales are used in Chinese and African medicine and their skin makes attractive leather for boots.

The Pangolin measures over 1 m in length and weighs up to 18 Kg and are entirely insectivorous.They run at a speed of about 5km per hour.
The 250 mm long, rod-shaped tongue is covered with a sticky saliva used as a tool by inserting it into the termite tunnels for around a minute, about 90 times per night. 

A single young is born from May - July after a gestation period of about 4 months.
Pangolin roll up when threaten and they can cut with their razor sharp scales.
They also have scent glands similar to those of the skunk which they can use to spray enemies.

The "Bateleur" Eagle: S. Africa Vulnerable species

Bateleurs pair for life, and will use the same nest for a number of years.
This eagle hunts everyday over a territory 650 km2!
It nests in trees, laying only one egg, incubated by the female for 42 to 43 days plus the 90 to 125 days until they can fly! 

The Meyer´s or Brown Parrot: South Africa

This birds have a strong affinity for riverine forest
 and associated dry Acacia-Combretum/Brachystegia
 woodlands as well as specific tree nesting cavity .

This is a small African parrot, 21 - 25 cm in length. 
Their wing length is about 141 - 149 cm. 
They weigh about 100-135g. Females look like males!

Crack a Joke

What keys are furry?

What do gorillas sing at Chirstmastime?
"Jungle bells, jungle bells"

What´s the biggest species of mouse in the world?
The HippopotaMouse.

The White-Winged Flufftail: Critically Endangered!

South African Republic:

Bird of the Year 2013

White-winged Flufftail 2 - Warwick  Tarboton
It lives in high altitude wetlands