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19 year old Francis Prior´s MACRO Photography

He makes the detailed insect photos using a Canon 550D digital SLR camera.
A HorseFly
The incredible images can feature up to 100 shots layered on top of one another
An Ant
Bugging out: Yound amatuer photographer captures bugs up close
A Shield Bug
Each photograph takes up to 6 hours of work!
A Moth
He uses dead bugs!!
The Zoology student and Amateur Photographer explains: “I basically use equipment...I have put together myself...freeze the insects.. prepare them for the shot...just use a couple of lamps from IKEA...and then take anything from 50 to 300 shots of each....I then layer them and use Photoshop to add a bit of colour." 
(Excerpt from The Liverpool Echo, written by Kate Forrester)