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The AnviLHead or HammerHead: A Peculiar South African Bird

The Hammerkop is considered an ill omen by many african tribes...?! 
Its feet are partially webbed and the middle toenails have an edge (like a comb) to groom its feathers!
When soaring its neck is streched out (like an Ibis) but while flapping its wings it curls it like a Heron.
They are also practise false mounting and in groups of up to 10 individuals interesting displays...Watch!
They build as many as a dozen nests that withstand the weight of a man in their territory (1.5 m deep and 50 kg) but use just one and only once!.
 This nest take up to 6 months of pair work; they can partake its home with other animals like Barn Owls, Egypian Geese, Comb Ducks, even Monitor Lizards and snakes!