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Santa Claus´ Companions

In Austria, Eslovenia and Croatia, when a child gets a present from St. Nicolas he receives a golden branch that represents his good acts during the year. 
File:Nikolaus krampus.jpg
But, if the child has misbehaved, Krampus will take the presents for himself and leave only a silver branch to represent the child's bad acts. He carries chains to scare children and has got a hoof and a foot!

Children are scared into sleeping during the time St. Nicolas brings presents by being told that if they´re awake, Krampus will think they´ve been bad and will take them away in his sack!

Belsnickel  is part of the folklore of Newfoundland, some parts of Canada, USA (Pennsylvania´s Dutch communities) and in Germany.

The Belsnickel shows up at houses 1 to 2 weeks before Christmas and he carries a switch in his hand with which to beat bad children. 

The children escape unharmed, but they´re scared into being good so that Santa will bring them presents on Christmas.