Interesting Links

South Africa´s Butterflies: Red BLood and Dusky Acrae

Their wings can measure between  45–48 mm in males and 45–55 in females.

The Dusky Acraea (Acraea esebria) has the same wingspan as the Red BLood.

Kew Gardens (London) Marianne North Gallery: South Africa

Marianne North (24/10/1830 – 30/08/1890) was an English Naturalist and Botanical Artist who visited South Africa in 1883.

Haemanthus and other South African Flowers
(Haemanthus, Erythrina, Pineapple Flower, Eucomis punctata Tulbaghia alliacea, Haemanthus magnificus, Coral Tree)

"Coming out" of a Cape Beauty (Ostrich)
View of the valley of Ceres, from Mitchell's Pass,
View of the valley of Ceres, from Mitchell's Pass, "Cabbage Plant" in front
(Othonna Compositae Othonna amplexocaulis)

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