Interesting Links

Cape Town´s GIANT Cockroach

Unusually for insects, it gives birth to 18–24 live creatures and it even protects the young for a while.
When scared, it lifts its abdomen into the air, squeaks loudly and lets go a nasty smelling liquid from glands on its back.

Adult females can be from 30 to 40 millimetres and they have no wings! Males are a bit smaller: 29 millimetres long. 

Cape Floral Kindgdom: Duvalia Inmaculata

This succulent, blooms in mid-June and grows in light shade. It needs little water and is also found in the Little Namaqualand region.

The Cuckoo Wasp: South Africa

Parasites of solitary bees and wasps.

These insects spread mostly in terrestrial habitats and will roll up into a ball in self-defence.

Here is a close up of its body surface.

A Fall Song

Golden and red trees.
Nod to the soft breeze.
As it whispers: ¡Winter is near!
And the brown nuts fall.
At the wind´s loud call.
For this is the Fall of the year.

By Ellen Robena Field

S. African Threatened Species: Cape Vulture

The Cape Vulture or Cape Griffon is only found in Southern Africa.

VIDEO of it flying and with its chicks. CLiCK!