Interesting Links

Barbara Jeppe: S. African Botanical Artist (1921-1999)

She was awarded two gold medals in 1990, one by the Botanical Society of South Africa, the Cythna Letty Gold Medal for contributions to botanical illustrations in South Africa and  by the South African Nurserymen’s Association
The Transvaal Horticultural Society awarded her with a silver medal in 1991.

iNkehli (Lucky Bean Tree) South Africa

Seeds of this tree are in great demand for ornaments and charms.
. Photo: G Nicholasand seeds of A.quanzensis
A root infusion provides a remedy for bilharzia and for certain eye complaints and bark is believed to bring huntsmen luck if they wash with it. 

Powered bark mixed with one's own body oil is believed to ward off attacks and bad luck.

South Africa´s "Sengi": Karoo Rock Elephant Shrew

This species is confined to rocky or boulder habitats, against mountain slopes or on ridges.

South Africa´s Extinct BLaaubok

It disappeared after hunting for pelts and museum specimens. 
The last one was killed in the 1800´s.

It was an upland grassland herd grazing herbivore endemic to the Swellingdam District. 
Desiccated specimens exist in Paris, Leyden, Stockholm, Upsala, and Vienna.

S. Africa: Forest SwallowTail or Bush Kite ButterFly

The wingspan is 80–100 mm in males and 90–110 mm in females. It´s got two flight periods from January to April and September to December.

South African Adventurer: Sibusiso Vilane

He has conquered the 7 highest continent´s summits:  Denali/Mount McKinley, 2008 (Alaska, USA), Mount Ebrus (Russia), Aconcagua, 2006 (Argentina), Everest (SW route 2003, Nepal and NE route 2005, Tibet), Mount Kilimanjaro, 1999 (Tanzania), Vinson Massif, 2006 (Antarctica), Carstensz Pyramid, 2006 (New Guinea, Oceania).
Find out more through this interview...
He is the first black person to ascent Mount Everest and the first black South African to walk to the South Pole!

Diane Victor: South African Artist

Down on the Farm from Disasters of Peace

Diane Victor. Down on the Farm from Disasters of Peace. 2001-03

South African Nobel Prize: Desmond MpiLo TuTu

Listen to him and learn what was it like to live during the apartheid and how forgiveness helped south africans move on...
Tutu is a spokesman for the defense of human rights and the oppressed
He has campaigned to fight AIDS, tuberculosis, poverty, racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia

He was the 1st black archbishop of Cape Town and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984; the Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism in 1986, the Pacem in Terris Award in 1987, the Sydney Peace Prize in 1999, the Gandhi Peace Prize in 2007 and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009.
He is wise and funny! Listen and enjoy...

Human Powered Energy: South Africa

The modern human powered clockwork radio was designed and patented in 1991 by British inventor Trevor Baylis as a response to the AIDS crisis. He envisioned it for poor people in developing countries without access to batteries. 

He now runs Trevor Baylis Brands plc, a company dedicated to helping inventors to develop and protect their ideas and to find a route to market.

In 1994, British accountant Chris Staines and his South African partner Rory Stear, secured the worldwide license to the invention and cofounded Baygen Power Industries (Freeplay Energy PLC) which produced the first commercial model.

South African Artist: Cameron Platter

Cameron Platter. The Battle of Rorke's Drift at Club Dirty Den. 2009
The Battle of Rorke's Drift at Club Dirty Den

Martin Potter: Innovator Surfer

He became a pro in 1981 and in 1989 after 6 tour victories from 25 events he became "World Surfing Champion". 
'Pottz' redefined competitive surfing with aerials and 360's only performed in free surfing. 
He invented maneuvers like the “rock-n-roll", as done on a skateboard and promoted a new form of judging competitive surfing based on "risky surfing" (higher scoring being given to bigger and more critical maneuvering) presently standard on the World Championship Tour (WCT)
By the age of 15, he was surfing 20+ foot waves at Hawaii´s North Shore “Banzai Pipeline” surf break. At the time, he used a jet-ski as an alternative to paddling, becoming one of 'tow-in' surfing pioneers.

Joachim Schönfeldt: S. Africa

Joachim Schönfeldt. Untitled (Cow). 2006
CoW (2006)
Joachim Schönfeldt. Untitled (Peafowl Hen). 2000
PeafowL Hen (2000)

South Africa´s Endangered Species: Wild Dogs

They are also known as African wild dogAfrican hunting dogCape hunting dogpainted dogpainted wolfpainted hunting dogspotted dog, or ornate wolf

Norman Catherine: S. Africa

Wild Boar
Norman Catherine. Wild Boar. 1968
Low Flying
Norman Catherine. Low Flying. 1988
Green Man Salon
Norman Catherine. Green Man Salon. 1990

South Africa´s Jewel Beetles

Buprestids love heat (thermophilous) and can tolerate very high temperatures so they´re active and alert in hot, sunny days.
The adults feed on pollen, foliage and nectar.
Julodis cirossa 27 mm

Julodis viridipes

The females lay their eggs in the bark and the larvae tunnel into wood and plant stems
The adults don´t live very long but the immatures can take as long as 35 years to complete their development!
Phlocteis exasperata Metal jewel beetle, 12mm.