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South Africa: A ChiLdren´s Song

Ducklings, Ducklings

Ducklings, ducklings, all in a row
One, two, three, four, see how they go
Left, right, left, right, look how tame
Quack, quack, quack, down Puddleduck Lane.

S. Africa´s CoaT of Arms

"Diverse People Unite" 

Its central image is a Secretary bird with a sun rising above it. 
Below the bird is the Protea, an indigenous  flower.

At the centre stands a shield above which are a spear and knobkierie
Within the shield are images of the Khoisan people, the first inhabitants of the land. The figures are similar to those on the Linton Stone, an example of South African rock art.

The VredeforT dOMe and SouTH Africa´s GoLD

120 kilometres southwest of Johannesburg, the Vredefort Dome is the oldest meteorite impact structure or astrobleme on Earth. 

It resulted from a meteorite 10km in diameter crashing into earth two billion years ago.
The site was added to the Unesco World Heritage list in July 2005

SouTH African TrEEs: Mopane Amazing EcosysTem

Colophospermum         mopane 

Family: Fabaceae (Pea Family)
Common names: Mopane, Turpentine tree; Mopanie (Afr.); Mohlanare (Northern Sotho); Mophane (Tswana)
Leaves and pods
These trees are for many people typical of the hot, low-lying areas near the Limpopo River in the far North of South Africa. Traditional use of the termite resistant redish mopane timber includes the making of houses and kraal fences.
The twigs chewed are used as tooth brushes and the leaves for healing wounds.
The mopane tree is an extremely important food source for animals and people; game animals, particularly elephants, enjoy the high protein leaves and pods.
In the Summer fat, dark green-greyish mopane Emperor moth worms (which can reach almost 10 cm long) eat the leaves. These insects rich in protein are sold and eaten  roasted or dried.
A Speckled Emperor Moth

The Gonometa moth caterpillar spins cocoons which are harvested as wild silk to make cloth.
In the picture above: Gonometa moths, coccoons and silk woven into a scarf.

Republic of SouTH Africa: Facts

  1. Official languages: 11 (English, Afrikaans, Ndebele, Xhosa, Zulu, Sepedi, Sotho, Tshivenda, Tswana, Swati and Xitsonga)
  2. Capital: Pretoria (Administrative), Bloemfontein (Judicial) and Cape Town (Legislative)
  3. Population: 
    49 million

The SouTH African FLag

A competition was held to choose the design of South Africa´s new flag but none of those sent were chosen; this flag was designed by a government official.

This other flag, commonly known as the oranje-blanje-blou (orange, white and blue) was used from 1928 to April 24, 1994.

Marvelous SouTH Africa

Africa in the World Atlas 
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The African Continent
Africa map

A Country: South Africa
Map of South Africa

South Africa from OuTer SpAce. ClicK to Discover...