WE (World English)
Literature, History, Science, Music & Art for Children and the Young at Heart
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South African SHarK ConservancY
InSide the TeenAge Brain: PBS FrontLine
NOVA: The Science of Picky Eaters
Travel Channel: Kalahari Special (Bizarre Foods)
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WorDVille: PLaY with WoRdS
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Monkey Puzzles Game (Cambridge)
LearnEnglishTeensBritishCouncil: Games + Videos + Magazine
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InterActive English Games
Stories, Songs, Games
Sports Illustrated Kids
Students of the World
BBC - KS1 BiteSize Games
BBC - KS2 BiTeSize Games LeveL2
BBC- KS3 BiTeSize Games LeveL 3
Oxford OwL Library: Read & Listen
7 Free OnLine Books by Jan Pienkowski
Mama Lisa´s World
National Geographic Kids
The Science Guy
ThinkMap Dictionary: Visual Thesaurus
BBC Kids
Short Stories for Kids (British Council)
Fun Stuff: Smithsonian Museum
Tate Gallery Kids
Science, Maths, Arts...
Benjamin Franklin: USA´s Founding Father
American Scientist, Inventor, Statesman, Printer, Musician, Economist and Philosopher
Charles Lindbergh : American Aviator, Author, Inventor, Explorer, and Social Activist
"The Lone Eagle", m
ade the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean on May 20-21, 1927.
Sing ALong...
Florida´s CrystaL River ManateeS
The BirdMan Tony Hawk: USA SkAteborder
Alaska´s Marine Life
North American Fauna: Grizzly Bear
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