Interesting Links

1800 American Explorers Meriwether Lewis & William CLarK: FirSt TransContinental Expedition to the PaCific COast

In his writings, Meriwether Lewis presented a somewhat negative view of Sacajawea, though Clark had a higher regard for her and later on provided some support for her children in subsequent years. 
In the journals, they used the terms "squar" and "savages" to refer to Sacagawea and other indigenous peoples.

Abc by the King of PoP MichaeL Jackson (08/29/1958 – 06/25/2009)

Michael Jackson and The Jacksons´ 5 with Comedian, Actress, Singer and Writer CaroL Burnett

The Grand Canyon

CLick to View 360º Pictures of the Grand Canyon Eagle Point
CLick to see 360º Photos of the Grand Canyon Eagle Point: Skywalk

Jimmy HendriX: (11/27/1942 – 09/18/1970) A Guitar Virtuoso

The USA NationaL AntheM: The Star Spangled BaNNer