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ScoTs Andy MurrAy: 1st British man in 74 yEars at Wimbledon´s FinALs
WAtch hiM bEat NadaL in Japan (2011)
WeLsh dOgs: the Corgi UniTEd KinGdOm (WaLes)
Top picture: the Pembroke brEEd
BoTTom: the CArdigan brEEd
The ChROnicLes of NArnia
HiSTOry...the FuN WAy
In the 19th Century...
NAtional gEogrAphiC Kids´ VIDEO: UniTed KinGdom. CLiCK HEre!
Ireland: NAtional GEogrAphic KiD´s ViDeo. CLick mE!
DiFFeRenCES betwEEn the U.K and GreAT BritaiN
CLicK and chECK ouT a U.K MarVeLous strEEt arTisT:
DOuglas Adams´ BBC4 SciEnce FicTiOn COmedy
VIDEO: LOndon´s OLYmpic Games 2012 Anish KapOOrs´ sCulPtUre " The Orbit" CLicK the TeXt to View!
The Good, Better, Best TrampoLini Adjectives Game
PLay with the AdJectiveS. CLick mE!
anOther GAme to PLAy: HoppositeS! CliCK HEre
The QUiet machiNe GAme and More. cliCK mE to PLAy
QuEEn VictOria (24/05/1819 - 22/01/1901)
At the Age of 4
She becAme quEEn at age 18
Her reigN lasted almOst 64 yEars, the LOngest in British history
LiFe in VictOrian TimeS: Oliver Twist
The LOrd of the RinGs
JAmes Matthew BarriE of ScOTLand - Peter PAn
"SLedDGe HAmmer" SOng by GEnesiS
ToUr the FrAnce Stage 2 wiNNer Mark CAvendiSH IsLe of MAn (U.K)
MEEt a WOrld ChaMpioN hE´s A ManX from the British IsLeS CLick, HEre
POssibLy In SepTEmber...?! L.O.L (LAugh OuT LouD)
United Kingdom Map
QuEEn Elizabeth II of JamAica, BarbAdos, the BaHamas Antigua and BarbUda, Nevis and St. Kitts, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. VincenT and the GrenadiNeS, Belize, the Solomon IsLands, Tuvalu and Papua NEw GuinEa
BOrn 21 ApriL, 1926. QuEEn at Age of 25.
British HUmoUr: SchOOL
Irish and Celtic mythology
The British Empire: 1900´s
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