Interesting Links
The fiRrst Indigenous pErson to circumnAvigate Australia (with Lieutenant Matthew Flinders) in 1798
Portrait of Bungaree, a Native of New South Wales,with Fort Macquarie, Sydney Harbour in Background c.1826Painted around 1826 by Augustus Earle.
Flinders was the cartographer of the first whole map of Australiaand the first person to circumnavigate the continent and recommend the name ‘Australia’.NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA
AbOard the BEagle dUring a sUrvey of the AustrAlian cOast from 1837 to 1841.
James Barker Emery (c.1794–1889)Sketches of Australian Fishes 1837–1841NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA
January 1788: FiRst FLeet arrIval at BOtany BAy
Attributed to George Raper (1769–1797)NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA