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New entries for the Poetry Contest!

                                                         I Love my Kitchen

                                                         I cook the chicken
                                                         But my food is frozen
                                                         All is for my kitten
                                                         And my nice dog Ben
                                                         He likes most men
                                                         Who live in a den

                                                           By Claudia CM1-B

                                                                  My Mum

                                                           My mum is beautiful,
                                                           my mum is strong.
                                                           My cat Lisa and my grandfather:
                                                           in the kitchen, in the garage.
                                                           My house, my table, my baby
                                                           Bye, bye.

                                                              By Inés CE1-A

                                                                    I've got a mouse
                                                                    living in my house.
                                                                    I've got a cat
                                                                    who's got a hat
                                                                    and a little kitten
                                                                    who lives in my kitchen.

                                                                       By Liam CE1-C