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The West WinD GLadiatoR Namaqualand, South Africa

The scientific name Mantophasmatodea derives from Mantodea (praying mantis) and Phasmatodea (stick insect). The Gladiator, unlike the praying mantis, grabs its prey with both its fore and mid legs and in contrast to the stick insect its first body segment is the largest and it doesn´t  feed on plants.
This insect, which over the past 45 million years became extinct in Europe survived in Africa. 

The predatory insect was nicknamed ‘Gladiator’ because parts of it are covered with spiky armouring like the legendary fighters of ancient Rome.
After in-depth research it was established without doubt that this insect didn´t belong to any known Genus, family or Order
The last time this happened was in 1914 and so another new Order was added to the 30 known ones!