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UniTed KinGdoM´s DoGs

The Irish Setter: The Irish calleD theM "Madra Rua" or "Red Dog"
200 yEarS agO in IreLanD, theY weRe useD for hunTing and woULD point to birDs with their long nOse and "seT" to help the hunTer find them.
The EngLiSH Setter is whiTe with blaCK oR Orange spoTS.
The OLd EngLiSH ShEEpdoG: AbouT 100 yEars agO thEse gOOd shEEp herdinG animaLs haD theiR tAiLs cuT to shOw that theY were workinG doGs, sO theiR OwNers didN´T haVe to pAy taxES for theM.
The GoLDeN RetrieVeR: It coMeS froM ScoTLanD wheRe they weRe uSeD to "rEtrieVe" animaLS kiLLeD by huNteRS.

The BriTiSH BuLLdoG: It´s the syMbol of BriTAin; in the 1200 they were useD to fighT buLLs as a sporT. In 1835 thiS sporT was stoppeD in EngLanD. ShakesPEaRe  useD theM in his pLAy HenrY VI.

The KinG CharLeS´ SpanieL: King CharLeS II (1630-1685), paSSeD a law that perMiteD thEse dogs in ParLiamenT,
Midsummer's Eve Welsh Corgi Keepsake (Round)

The nAme Corgi is WeLsH for "DwaRF doG". They coMe froM WALeS and legend sAyS they weRe a presenT froM the fairies who useD corgis to puLL their carriages.
REaD the Corgi LegenDs CLiCK!