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A FLighTLess BiRd: The CAssoWary

The Cassowary is a very large bird although smaller than an emu or an ostrich. 
Females are larger than malesThe cassowary has a crest called casque on its head, which helps it work its way through the thick forest. The color of the head and neck can change depending on the mood of cassowary!
Cassowary can run 31 miles per hour and jump up to 5 feet in the air. 
They are also excellent swimmers. 
Cassowaries are native of NorthEastern Australia, New Guinea and adjacent smaller islands.
They live in humid rainforests but will venture into palm scrub, grasslandsavanna, and swamp forests.
The cassowary is an omnivore; it usually eats different types of fruit, seeds, shoots, fungi, small invertebrates and insects.¡